PROJECT BRIEF - GROUP SEMINAR PRESENTATION (this project is non-assessed but contributes towards everything...)
The final presentation guidelines for THE GROUP SEMINAR PRESENTATION are taken from: Cottrell (2008).
1. WHAT? (work as a group to prepare and present a seminar reading on your set text...)
- The GROUP SEMINAR PRESENTATION should be a 15-20 minute PowerPoint (or equivalent).
- Each student should prepare a Powerpoint as their contribution to the GROUP SEMINAR PRESENTATION, but groups may decide for themselves how to present the information (students can present individually or a single spokesperson can be volunteered/persuaded/coerced).
Management theorist Meredith Beblin suggests different team roles in group work
Belbin’s team roles
- Implementer = getiing things done and focusing on practical issues
- Coordinator = organising the task and the other members of he group
- Shaper = inspiring and leading the group from the front
- Plant = generating ideas and being creative
- Resource investigator = identifying useful resources that can help. which may be outside the group
- Monitor/evaluator = evaluating ideas and proposals and pointing out possible flaws
- Team worker = getting everyone to cooperate and work together
- Completer/finisher = working to deadlines and getting jobs completed
- Specialist = providing specialist technical expertise (Hartley and Dawson, 2012, p.53).
But warns
No group of four or five students will have all the roles represented by different individuals! Each person will have a couple of strong roles and some roles that are not so strong or not preferred ways of behaving.(Hartley and Dawson, 2012, p.54).
- The GROUP SEMINAR PRESENTATION should include in-text citations and quotations from your set text and your further research (Harvard).
- The GROUP SEMINAR PRESENTATION should include a REFERENCE LIST for in-text citations and quotations (Harvard).
See the REFERENCING, QUOTE OF THE WEEK/NEWS STORY OF THE WEEK pages, plus referencing software
(student recommended...)
- The GROUP SEMINAR PRESENTATION should last 15-20 minutes with 1 slide every 2-3 minutes = 8-10 slides (not including the REFERENCE LIST).
2. HOW? (structure and final presentation...)
The GROUP SEMINAR PRESENTATION should follow this structure
- Begin with a summary of the set text (historical, technical, social and theoretical).
- Identify key points that you have chosen as being important/interesting.
- Introduce further research ideas which you have undertaken in order to follow up key ideas.
- Conclude with an assessment as to how the group has performed together.
The GROUP SEMINAR PRESENTATION should follow these final presentation guidelines
- PowerPoint (or equivalent) - 8-10 slides (not including the REFERENCE LIST)
- Large text: at least 32 point
- Avoid flashy graphics and animation - unless it is really particularly effective or relevant
- Print up the PowerPoint to assist your presentation
3. WHY? (learning outcomes...)
The learning outcomes which are important for the assessment of the GROUP SEMINAR PRESENTATION are in bold underlined
- To self-manage ongoing independent academic research on subjects of personal interest within fashion and textiles.
- To show understanding of the relationship between academic research and studio practice.
- To show knowledge of the historical, technical and social development of post-industrial fashion and textiles.
- To show awareness of theoretical issues within fashion and textiles.
- To present research (secondary and original) in an academic form (written and verbal) conforming to academic conventions (Harvard reference system).
- To show analysis and evaluation of research.
4. WHEN? (hand in ... )
The GROUP SEMINAR PRESENTATION is not formally assessed but it contributes to everything and so you get Brownie points!
'Brownie Points' (2015) Wikipedia. Available at: (Accessed 20 October 2015).
Cottrell, S. (2008) The study skills handbook. 3rd edn. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
'Group Task Role Cards' (2015) Teachers Pay Teachers. Available at: (Accessed 20 October 2015).
Hartley, P. and Dawson, M. (2010) Success in groupwork. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
'Brownie Points' (2015) Wikipedia. Available at: (Accessed 20 October 2015).
Cottrell, S. (2008) The study skills handbook. 3rd edn. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
'Group Task Role Cards' (2015) Teachers Pay Teachers. Available at: (Accessed 20 October 2015).
Hartley, P. and Dawson, M. (2010) Success in groupwork. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.